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August 7, 2019

August 8, 2019

2 sets -
:30 bike erg
:30 ski erg
:30 row
10 Lunges to :10 lizard stretch

Row Calories
Bike Erg Calories
Air Bike Calories
*one person works at a time, split any way
30 minute time cap*

3 sets -
10 abmat situps
:20 hollow hold
5 V-up to tuck ups
:20 hollow hold

Spikeball & GNO!

Clear your calendars on Saturday, August 31, as we've got two fun events planned:

At noon, in the gym, we will be holding a Spikeball tournament. It's a simple game of teams of two players and a net. We will have three games running concurrently. Don't worry if you've never played - I haven't! You can grab a partner ahead of time or show up that day and we will find you one. Official rules are here:

Later that day, we will gather for a GNO (Gym Night Out) Happy Hour at 5 p.m. at Blue Agave. The restaurant/bar is prepared for us and will be offering drink specials and a signature cocktail to celebrate the night! Feel free to bring a non-member(s) guest.

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