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Wendy Shafranski


March 28, 2024

Be One Strong Mother

Hi, it’s me again, touting the importance of strength training and its superiority for overall health and well-being. But this time, I am going to focus on women.

A study published in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology evaluated the differences in the effects of exercise between men and women.

Of the over 400,000 people included in the study (which took place over 20 years), only 1 in 5 women did regular weight training. But those who did, saw incredible benefits.

Women who do strength training exercises two to three days a week are more likely to live longer and have a lower risk of death from heart disease, compared to women who do none.

What’s really cool is that women who did strength training had a reduction in cardiovascular mortality by 30%, proving that resistance training enhances cardio. (And note: it’s not necessarily the other way around…aerobic exercise has a negligible effect on skeletal muscle mass)

Not only is strength training good for cardiovascular health, but also:

Protection of joints

Metabolic health (It burns more calories)

Protection against injuries and falls

Controlling blood sugar

Boosting mood

For so many years, women have tended to focus on aerobic activity, so I am hoping that more are realizing the value of both.

And it’s never too late to start. Strength training in the elderly (>60 years) increases muscle strength by increasing muscle mass, and by improving the recruitment of motor units, and increasing their firing rate. This means you CAN build muscle if you’re over 60.

So, if you’re thinking of what to get your mom for the upcoming Mother’s Day holiday, ditch the flowers and get her a gym membership!

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