Below are the standards for each division of CharityWOD. Grab a partner of the opposite sex and form your teams! There will be a sign-up sheet at the gym where you will list partner names and team names. The registration fee is $50 per team and all money goes directly to the charity. You will also have an opportunity to order the event shirt for $20.
CharityWOD is Saturday, April 4 at 8 AM.
- Male: 20# Wall ball, 55# Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead, Burpee over partner/object, Use of all cardio machines
- Female: 14# Wall ball, 35# Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead, Burpee over partner/object, Use of all cardio machines
Masters (combined age of both athletes must be 80 years)
- Male: 14# Wall ball, 35# Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead, Burpee over/step over partner/object, Use of all cardio machines
- Female: 10# Wall ball, 20# Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead, Burpee over/step over partner/object, Use of all cardio machines
- Male: 10# Wall ball, 15# Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead, Burpee, Use of all cardio machines
- Female: 8# Wall ball, 10# Dumbbell Shoulder to overhead, Burpee, Use of all cardio machines