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May 8, 2022

Healthy Vacation Strategies

Vacation season is upon us! For many, it’s a time to rest and recharge. But, often, we return to our “real life” feeling tired, bloated, lethargic, and anything but refreshed.

This post will outline some strategies that will help you come back ready to re-emerge into your routine, not feeling like you need a vacation from your vacation!

First and foremost…TAKE THE REST. Eat the local food. Enjoy the dessert. Have an adult beverage. Don’t feel guilty. Personally, if I am on vacation for a week or less, I don’t work out, opting to do lots of activities outdoors during my trip.

Now for the strategies:

  • When eating out, make sure to order vegetables and protein at every meal and eat those foods first. Share more decadent sides or desserts with others.
  • If you know you will feast at a certain meal, you can always “make room” for it by eating lighter during the other times of the day.
  • Start the day with a healthy breakfast. If you are staying at an Airbnb, a healthful (and budget-conscious) way to go is to make breakfast yourself.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Carry a refillable water bottle.
  • Get lots of sleep. If you know you have an early morning excursion, set a time that you’d like to go to bed so you get 7+ hours and feel fresh the following day. Is nightlife more your style? Sleep in!
  • When possible, explore the city that you are in by foot or bike instead of Ubering or driving everywhere.
  • Enjoy nature.
  • Drop into a gym.
  • Consider planning your return to allow a full day before getting back to your responsibilities. That way you can organize, grocery shop and not feel overwhelmed.

When you return, don’t come back and punish yourself in the gym. You didn’t “lose all of your gains.” And, if you did gain a few pounds, remember how much fun you had and get back on track. You’ll be back to your pre-vacation self in no time.

We all need the mental and physical break that a vacation provides, so do your best to minimize the damage and have a blast!

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