2 sets -
5 plate squats
5 overhead lying plate stretch
10 banded pull aparts
5 PVC lift-offs
+trainer led barbell warmup
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes
2 Slow first pull squat clean
A. 3 sets of:
6 each arm half kneeling kettlebell bottoms up press
3 x 1 plate squat + 3 plate front press
B. 3 sets of:
6 Tall kneeling dumbbell curl
6 Tempo push-ups (3 seconds down, fast up)Read more:
Life Hack Week
Disclaimer: This week, I am focusing on a different health-related topic each day. These are issues that I personally find important. I will give you the “why” and then some solutions and tips for improvement. Keep in mind that no one is perfect, but if you can incorporate some of these tips into your life, it may result in better health. Lastly, these posts are not meant to be diagnoses or medical advice.
Topic 1: Sitting
Humans are meant to move, but with modern technology, daily jobs, etc., we have become more sedentary. Even if you work out hard at our gym, sitting at a desk all day combined with driving, watching TV, eating meals, and any “lazy” habits can increase your risk for increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels (according to a study by the Mayo Clinic). In fact, sitting has been labeled “the new smoking.”
From a physical standpoint, long periods of sitting can shorten your hip flexors and hamstrings, which in turn can shut down your glutes, leading to back pain and less strength. We it with many of the professionals at our gym.
So, what can you do about it?
Easy Life Hacks:
Next Level:
In summary, humans weren’t designed to sit all day. Strive for consistent movement throughout the day (try 2 minutes on the hour, every hour) and hack your workspace by standing. It just may lead to a better-feeling body and increased longevity.
Wodapalooza - Go McKenzie!
Can't make it to Wodapalooza this weekend? You can watch online (for a fee) or get updates on social media and the leaderboard. Check out how here: