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January 14, 2019

January 15, 2019

4 minute AMRAP -
100 meter jog
:30 bike/ski/row
3 burpees to a target

8 minutes to complete:
3 rounds of -
300 meter Ski-erg
700 meter Bike-erg

Rest 2:00

8 minutes to complete:
3 rounds of -
300 meter run
10 burpees to a target

Rest 2:00

4 minutes to complete:
Max Calorie Row

*score is time of each segment/total calories
*heats of 7 every 10-11 minutes

:30 soleus and gastroc stretch each leg
1:00 pigeon stretch each side
1:00 seated forward fold

Topic 2: Sleep

Disclaimer: This week, I am focusing on a different health-related topic each day. These are issues that I personally find important. I will give you the “why” and then some solutions and tips for improvement. Keep in mind that no one is perfect, but if you can incorporate some of these tips into your life, it may result in better health. Lastly, these posts are not meant to be diagnoses or medical advice.

There is nothing negative about getting enough sleep! I aim for 8-9 hours per night (and that means going to bed as early as 6:30 PM, as my alarm goes off at 3:30 AM). How much are you getting? The Cleveland Clinic advises 7-9 hours each night for adults.

Sure, we all burn the midnight oil now and then, but not getting enough sleep on a regular basis can lead to:

  • Lack of alertness/impaired memory
  • Stress
  • Illness
  • Increase of chances of coronary heart disease and stroke
  • Increase in cancer risk
  • Reduction in sex drive
  • Weight gain
  • Risk of diabetes
  • Skin suffering like more wrinkles, uneven skin tone, looseness of skin

So, what to do? My sleeping hacks include:

  • Minimize screen time two hours before bed. The blue light from screens affects your circadian rhythm, as the screen’s light simulates sunlight (signaling your body that it’s not time for bed). If you must be on a screen (phone, computer, TV), use blue-blocking glasses. Rob and I use a brand called Swannies, which you can find online HERE.
  • Make sure your body temperature isn’t too high. This means not working out right before your slumber. Your room should be nice and cool, too. We just started using a ChillPad on our bed, where both of us can control the temperature and it goes down to 55 degrees. It’s awesome!
  • Make sure your room is dark. Use black-out shades and avoid bright alarm clocks or other electronics.
  • Sleep without any pets in your bed.
  • Try binaural beats. This is a type of music that creates an imaginary tone in the brain when it is presented with two different frequencies at the same time. It puts you in a relaxed, meditative state. Search YouTube, Spotify, etc. for tracks. I love listening for a 30-minute power nap.
  • Your last meal of the day should be your lightest. You’ve digested all your food for the day and are ready to hit the sack.
  • Limit alcohol. Alcohol may put you to sleep fast, but it causes restless, not deep, sleep.
  • POSSIBLY use a little natural help. Prescription sleep aids have a myriad of side effects, so they aren’t something I would ever try. I’ve used melatonin on occasion, but ingesting it regularly may impair your body’s ability to produce it naturally, so don’t become dependent. A supplement that works for some is magnesium (try the brand Natural Calm) or CBD oil along with some passion flower extract (an adaptogen that calms the nervous system).

Want to read more? Check out THIS article about how sleep deprivation can affect you at the gym.

Nighty night!

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