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January 17, 2019

January 18, 2019

2 sets -
:30 airbike
5 plate squats
5 T-spine openers
5 beat swings
:15 bench t-spine and lat stretch

4 sets -
3 front squats + 6 back squats
@65% of front squat

3 sets:
1 high amplitude arch to hollow/TTB + 3 toe-to-bar
6 plank pike-ups on sliders
5 ab wheel rollouts

3 sets:
:30 @70%
:20 @80%
:10 @90%

Topic 5: Plastics & Aluminum

Disclaimer: This week, I am focusing on a different health-related topic each day. These are issues that I personally find important. I will give you the “why” and then some solutions and tips for improvement. Keep in mind that no one is perfect, but if you can incorporate some of these tips into your life, it may result in better health. Lastly, these posts are not meant to be diagnoses or medical advice.

This is an issue that I’ve started focusing on in the past few months after reading Radical Metabolismby Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman. There are some documented negative effects of too much exposure to plastics and aluminum, so if there are easy fixes to reduce your exposure, count me in!

Plastics can negatively affect your hormones, namely estrogen, causing you to gain weight or have a hormone imbalance. They can even put you at a greater risk for cancer.

Plastics are EVERYWHERE. Some manufacturers are revising their packaging, but oftentimes, you can’t avoid them. Focus on what you CAN do to reduce your exposure. An easy fix is to get a water filter at your home and not buy water in plastic jugs (I just bought one from Berkey). Invest in a reusable non-plastic water bottle (Yeti, Kleen Kanteen, Hydro Flask, etc.). Store your food in glass containers, which are easy to find at Target, Walmart, Amazon, etc.

Now, on to aluminum…

Aluminum is a naturally-occurring substance. We all ingest some each day and at low levels, it isn’t toxic. However, over-exposure (according to reputable sources such as the NIH) has been possibly linked to things like Alzheimer’s and breast cancer.

Because of this, I’ve performed the following hacks. I’ve switched out my rice cooker for THIS one with a clay pot. I’ve started slowly replacing my cookware with cast iron or enamel-coated. I use parchment paper on any metal baking sheets. I stopped using aluminum foil. I use an aluminum-free deodorant and glass food containers for storage.

If you look around your kitchen, this could feel overwhelming. So, start by making small changes – purchase things throughout the year to replace any potentially dangerous aluminum and plastics in your daily routine.

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