January 2022 Survey Results

February 18, 2022
January 2022 Survey Results



February 18, 2022

Our Early 2022 Member Survey is now closed. We’ve been sending surveys out twice a year to gauge how we are doing and to get specific feedback and ideas.

A big “thank you” to the 100 people who took the time and put so much thought into the questions. Below are the results, some suggestions, and our replies.

In the words of Sally Field, “You like us, you really like us!” (Anyone under 45 probably won’t get that reference!)

Overall Experience was given 4.9 stars (out of 5 stars)

The top words chosen to describe Vero Strength are:

  • 95% knowledgeable
  • 91% committed
  • 90% enjoyable
  • 81% attentive
  • 75% kind
  • 64% Inclusive
  • 61% Integrity

Quality of coaching received 9.6 stars. For almost everyone who scored us under an 8, I reached out to ask how we could do better.

For the question “How likely do you see yourself here a year from now?We scored 4.8 stars. We love that most of you are sure you’ll be sticking around!

What do you find most valuable in a fitness facility?

  • 97% knowledge of staff/trainers
  • 77% fun/enjoyment
  • 73% variety of equipment
  • 72% class schedule
  • 69% cleanliness
  • 33% availability of personal training

Now, for the most important metric: we received 5 stars (4.96) on “Would you recommend Vero Strength to a friend?”

On to the comments…

All our coaches received individual “shoutouts” from survey respondents, which makes Rob and I so happy. We love our team!

Here are feedback and suggestions as well as our responses…

There was one comment about traffic jams at sleds - we do our best to manage class flow, but the parking lot in the back is only so wide. It’s OK (and preferable) that you rest between sets/movements while waiting for a sled.

More focus on low back health - many of our regular mobility movements, like the McGill Big 3, focus on back health. We are always available for specific questions and recommendations. Many of our members have done a movement assessment recently and have been given individual prescriptions for mobility. This service is available to everyone to schedule.

A few members want more cardio, more metcons, more CrossFit “girls” workouts. While we love a good throw down, metcons do not often lead to movement quality and strength gains. There is always an element of "slop" when people are going for a time. That’s why we utilize metcons as a fun “test” very minimally. Cardio-based days are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday metcon, and our training phases are centered around strength. We really try to find that sweet spot of cardio vs. strength training, giving you what you need to progress and be well-rounded.

There was a request for more nutrition information. We heard you! Sign up for our Nutrition Talk on March 26 at 10 AM!

There was also a request for skill sessions/clinics - we are always open to suggestions, please give us specifics.

Several people want more competitions, like Dry Tri or the old Vero Beast. We were so happy to once again host The Dry Tri. And are definitely open to something else in the Fall/Winter that easy to run with minimal volunteers and will serve as a good test of fitness.

Lastly, we had SO MANY glowing remarks about the gym and our coaches…too many to post, but I want to thank all of you for your love and support! We love you back!

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