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July 24, 2019

July 25, 2019

2 sets -
:30 row/ski
5 KB swings
:15 (each arm) KB overhead hold

6 rounds of:
250 meter row
15 Russian Kettlebell swings RX 55/35
100ft kettlebell overhead walk RX 55/35 (50ft each arm)
Directly into or at 10:00
2000 meter ski
*heats of 7 teams every 11-12 minutes
(This is a relay-style. One partner works at a time and each athlete completes a round, then tags partner. So, each partner will complete 3 rounds )

3 sets -
5 V-up to Tuck-up
10 Abmat sit ups
:20 Hollow hold


Guest Post by Coach Colin

Do you feel like your gym is your second home? Then treat it like it is! I know when I go to the gym, I want to have a nice clean area when I work out (even though there are a lot of stinky, sweaty people around). The gym cannot be perfectly clean all the time, but you can try to do your best and clean up your area. Put away your dumbbells in the right spot (even if you did not pull them out), place the sandbags back (don't just throw them), and do the simple things that can easily get away, like wiping down machines or gymnastic mats. If you feel like this is your second home, try to make a conscious decision to look and see if the class that you worked out in has cleaned up. If they haven't, lead by example! If you see something on the ground that you don’t like, don’t walk past it. Pick it up! Let’s try to have your second home a clean one.

It’s hard when you’re tired after working out - you just want to go home, but your workout is not over! Make it a part of your workout. As soon as you’re done, try not to lay on the floor but get right to cleaning up, then take a break if you need to. I really want to thank everybody at Vero Strength + Conditioning for making the gym a clean place, a good atmosphere, and a second home for me!

-Coach Colin

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