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March 20, 2019

March 21, 2019

2 rounds, gradually increasing pace of -
:30 Erg bike
:30 Ski
:30 Row

3 sets of:
3:00 Max effort calories on bike erg
Rest 1:00
3:00 Max effort calories on ski
Rest 1:00
3:00 Max effort calories on row
Rest 1:00
Score is total calories; one person works at a time; split anyway

8 minute EMOM of:
minute 1 - :20 Plank
minute 2 - :20 Hollow hold
minute 3 - 4 V-ups to Tuck-ups
minute 4 - 10 Abmat sit ups

We're Here!
We are finally at the end of the Open! Tonight, 8 PM, on the Games website will be the reveal of 19.5. Good luck on the last event!

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