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March 3, 2019

March 4, 2019

2 Rounds of:
:30 Air bike
5 External Obliques opener variation: leg raises
10 Frog pumps
:20 Frog stretch
5 Goblet squat @ tempo 3 sec down
+Trainer- led bar path drills

Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes
2 x 1 Segment Squat cleans (pause below the knee)
1 Tempo front squat (2 seconds down, fast up)
@ 60 - 70%

You can start on any of the two circuits shown below. Complete all three sets before moving to another circuit. Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets.

Circuit 1 -
3 sets of:
3/1 Strict Handstand push-ups + 6 kipping (3 Dumbbell strict press + 6 push press)
6 Kettlebell push press

Circuit 2 -
3 sets of:
5 Hex bar deadlifts
100ft Sled push (heavy)

Mindset Monday - Drive
According to a recent article in Shape magazine, research is showing that what you eat, how much you sleep and other factors can directly impact your drive. These factors affect your perception of effort (how much work you think an action will take) which will determine whether or not you keep pushing forward. In a nutshell, your brain will assess the difficulty of a task or goal based on your psychological state - it uses signals to determine if a physical activity is worth the effort. Therefore, being too hungry or tired can negatively impact your drive. So, to keep motivation high, your perception of effort needs to be kept low. Here are some strategies to do just that:
1. Caffeine - it reduces your brain's level of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that makes you drowsy. As your mental fatigue is reduced, tasks feel less difficult.
2. Challenging workouts - continually taking it up a notch can make everything you work on feel less difficult. This is good news for all of us! Researchers found that 30 minutes of demanding cognitive tasks that made more people mentally exhausted had no effect on elite cyclists. The researchers believe that, when you train your body, you train your brain and it becomes more resistant to mental fatigue and better wired to deal with things that take high levels of effort. Think about how much mental and physical focus something like Olympic lifting takes - score!
3. Sleep - not getting enough rest makes everything seem harder. One bad night of sleep isn't a huge deal as long as you get back on track the next night. But, continuous lack of sleep impacts your focus and reduces the supply of energy to the brain.
4. Eat carbs - they release glucose very quickly, which can give you more energy in the short term. But don't overeat, as that can put your body into rest mode. A good strategy when you're hungry, but need to be productive, is to eat something like a banana.

On the Anniversary post, I forgot to include a few people who have been here 10 years...Diane and Bryan Blais, Sandy Campbell and Jim Atherton!

Don't forget to submit your scores for 19.2. And a reminder...if you don't make the designated time for the Open workouts, please arrange your OWN judge. You cannot come to the gym and ask a coach, as they are coaching/working. Thank you for your consideration on this.

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