2 sets -
:20 frog stretch
5 plate squats with band above knee
5 T-spine openers
5 overhead plate stretch
+ trainer-led barbell warm-up
5 Sets of:
2 push jerk + 1 split jerk @technically load
Set 1
1a. Back squat 4-6 reps @70%
Rest 20sec
1b. Back squat 2-3 reps @70%
Rest 20sec
1c. Back squat 1-2 reps @70%
Rest 3-5 minutes
Set 2
2a. Back squat 4-6 reps @65%
Rest 20sec
2b. Back squat 2-3 reps @65%
Rest 20sec
2c. Back squat 1-2 reps @65%
9-minute EMOM of:
minute 1 - :20 Plank
minute 2 - : 20 Hollow hold
minute 3 - 4 V-ups to Tuck-ups
Food For Thought Friday - Thrive Market
If you aren't a member of Thrive Market, you're missing out! It's basically like a Sam's Club for natural products. You pay a $60 yearly fee and get products at a discount. Free shipping if you spend $50, which is easy as they have anything from clean foods to household products to toiletries to pet products and more. I place an order at least once a month for staples and save at least a thousand dollars a year! Check it out HERE