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February 9, 2021

New Year 2021 Survey Results

In January, we sent out our bi-annual survey to get feedback - good, bad, or ugly - from our members. As with every survey, we take the results very seriously and use any suggestions as an opportunity to improve.

For instance, last summer we scored lower than we would have liked on a few of the words used to describe us. So, we've worked hard these past six months to enhance the member experience and those descriptors improved! We've often turned member feedback into action, so we like to view ALL comments as a gift.

We were ecstatic about the results this time and we thank all 110 members who took the time to fill the survey out. In being transparent, here are metrics, comments, and responses from us.

Overall Metrics
- 110 responses
- Overall experience: 4.94 stars (out of 5)
- Top words chosen to describe Vero Strength:
- Knowledgable
- Supportive and Committed (tie)
- Fun
- Quality of coaching: 9.69 (out of 10)
- Would you refer Vero Strength to a friend: 4.92 out of 5 (out of 5)

Things you Want
This is the part where we asked what we could do better, or you gave comments in the "anything else" portion. If more than one person made a similar comment, I've listed it below and given our follow-up responses below each one.

1. Beach workout, more social events
It's in the plan once COVID cases drop. In the meantime, we've been offering music-themed workouts, and challenges (limbo is next!), we recently had a wine event and we have a mindset seminar in a few weeks. It's our goal to continue to plan fun, COVID-responsible happenings at the gym! When the time is right, it's back to bar crawls, beach days, and parties!

2. A session to determine maxes
Max lifts are only necessary in sport. And, performing them can increase the rate of injury. Moving well and safety are our #1 priorities. Maxes in the snatch, clean, and jerk are technique-dependent and not an indicator of absolute strength. That said, we are always programming so that you get stronger (this is evident when you're using more weight in percentage-based training sessions). Over time, you may be lifting more than you ever have (yay! PR!)

3. More education, more knowledge, more explanation
At the beginning of each training phase, we give detailed information on what the phase will entail and why. We also give demos and "whys" in the daily whiteboard briefings, but not so much that it turns into a lecture! Here's where you come in. ASK QUESTIONS! If you don't know what muscles you are working, why you are doing something, or the benefit of an exercise, just ask and we'd love to answer.

4. ROMWOD, stretching class, yoga, more options for mobility
Good news...SUNDAYS at 9:30 AM we now have yoga with Caitlyn! Check the fliers throughout the gym or on our private Facebook page.

5. More emphasis on diet
Again, this comes down to asking questions. We give some education in our newsletter and blog (I could be better at updating that!). Those who ask for it, get more detailed information/conversations specific to them. For those wanting to work one-on-one formally, we love Sarah Starr, a Registered Dietician, and are happy to connect you with her. And, if there's a topic you want to hear about, shoot me an email and I am happy to cover it - I always need content!

6. Bring back Vero Beast or Charity WOD
Due to COVID, we have put on hold any event with groups of people close together and spectators. Look for CharityWOD to be the first event we coordinate when we are able to!

7. New stretches in the warm-up
While the repetition of the same mobility movements on a regular basis is beneficial for adaptation (think about how much better you've gotten at the movements), we are happy to sprinkle in some new ones!

8. More open gym times
We allow experienced members with an Unlimited membership to come in whenever the gym is open to do some extra work.

9. More work on complicated movements
I am assuming this means things like Olympic Lifting and gymnastics. We use these movements sparingly, as they aren't necessarily a test of fitness. Our group program strives to be the best general program out there. Some of our members have benefitted from an occasional personal training session where our members work on these movements.

Now for the Love Fest...
Coaching and programming were most often listed as what people like best about the gym. Here are some of the many positive comments:

I couldn’t feel more welcomed by members and staff.

The coaches continuously want to be supportive and help us progress.

It’s never boring. The program is challenging.

Favorite thing is the sense of belonging and respect for individual strengths.

Couldn’t be better.

The coaches care!

I LOVE my gym!!

I was an Army recruiter for 4 years and the best nugget of information I was given was from an old Command Sergeant Major who said "People don't join the Army because of all the great things it has to offer. People join the Army because of you." The truth can be said about Rob and Wendy and the coaches. They put you on the path to success by being caring, knowledgeable, and relatable people.

The workouts are great, the staff is incredible, it's overall an awesome experience.

The humble nature of coaches provides a positive environment to ask questions without reservation.

I truly feel that Vero Strength and the coaches want us to do and be our best! Plus no dumb questions! Coaches do a great job covering the exercises, I feel very comfortable asking when an exercise is new to me or unfamiliar! Thank you!

Great place to learn and grow physically/mentally.

Very welcoming to new members, and programming. Great structure for all.

I would encourage members who have never dropped into another gym maybe while on vacation or on a business trip to do so. It’s quite eye-opening to how lucky and spoiled we are at Vero Strength. From the equipment to the thought-out programming to the cleanliness. Trust me, there’s no place like home! If you don’t believe me, go drop in somewhere else and I guarantee you won’t ever want to leave Vero Strength!

Knowledgeable, fun coaches and the best group of members ever!!

I love that it pushes me to be the best I can be.

I love the coaches and staff on a personal level, but the consistent quality of programming and coaching keeps things interesting and after all these years I find myself improving regularly.

Consistently walking into an environment where EVERY day the staff is committed to helping you be better.

The inclusiveness, the great workouts but ultimately the comfortable environment the gym provides. Great people great coaches

My favorite thing is when Mikaela yells “BREAK!!!” after going over the workout, regardless of whether she is coaching or not. But really, the coaches. I really enjoy working with the evening group.

I really, really like the programming! My body doesn't suffer like it did before and I can work out more and I am getting better results.

Friendly atmosphere. Support from everyone.

Great owners, great coaches, great members!

Before starting at Vero Strength over 2 years ago, I had worked out for nearly 20 years, yet never “CrossFit” styled workouts. I love learning the different yet challenging lifting techniques and seeing myself improve. The coaches are skilled at explaining each workout, and how to properly do them, making me comfortable and more confident. I love how strong I feel along with the definition and lean muscle I have acquired since starting at Vero Strength!

I can sometimes feel out of place at a typical gym (Planet Fitness, Anytime Fitness, etc.), but I feel at home at Vero Strength because of the people and the coaches. I love coming in, getting a good workout in, and talking with everyone. Feels like family!

Owners and coaches. They really care about members, supporting and helping them to reach their goals, and be better mentally and physically. They treat us with respect.

The knowledge possessed by the coaches, and their ability to always pick a movement that is comparable when you have an injury or can't do a particular movement on a particular day.

The family-like atmosphere at a gym. No judgment from instructors or members. The variety of the workouts. Love Vero Strength

I LOVE Vero Strength. I went from almost a size 10 down to a size 4. It has helped my mental health and my attitude. I’ve met some wonderful members I now call friends.

Keep up the amazing work. We all know how hard you all work, and it is much appreciated!

I love that the coaches/trainers pay attention to detail. They have an eye for posture and errors made.

Helps me with my balance and strength. This place helps me keep up with my Grandson and prepare for the arrival of 2 more Grandsons.

The sense of community that I get when I show up for class. The same people are in the classes at the same time and getting to know people on the same journey as myself is fun.

I appreciate the coaches' ability to encourage each member at his or her level. I also like what being a member has done and continues to do for me. It's a great physical and mental lift at the beginning of the day.

The knowledgeable trainers and owners, and the incredibly smart, effective, and well-thought-out programming.

Everyone is so friendly and encouraging. The staff is always supportive and quick to help.

Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback and know that our door is always open!

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