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Wendy Shafranski


August 6, 2024

Programming is Written in Pencil

Although we spend a lot of time and care writing our programming, know that it’s written in pencil, not pen. What I mean by this is just because it’s in our program, doesn’t meant mean it’s mandatory.

There are different, real-life variables that may require you to do a different version of our workout. These include things like readiness, recovery, your mental state, how tired you are, injuries, etc.

Here are some examples:

You didn’t get a good night’s sleep and we are asking for an 85% effort on a conditioning workout…you don’t have to go 85% and add more stress to your body. You can lighten the RPE and just get some movement in.

You tweaked your back doing yard work and Pendlay rows are part of the program. We wouldn’t want you in a bent position, so we could have you do a chest-supported row to alleviate any stress on your back. We aren’t married to specific exercises, but instead movement patterns. (A row is a row is a row.)

You didn’t recover well from a big hike you did on your last day of vacation. You might need to wait to do squats and instead focus on mobility and upper body work.

You have issues with the proper range of motion for a movement, so you will need to regress the movement in order to start to inch your way to optimal movement patterns.

And the list goes on…

Don’t be afraid to ask for alternatives to the written workout.  Don’t let ego push you into something that isn’t smart. Share with your trainer how your body is feeling, if you’re mentally feeling off, if you are stressed, etc. Our goal is not only to help you make gains and progress, but to also keep you safe. Not every day is a 10 out of 10!

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