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February 2, 2023

2023 Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who completed our 2023 client survey! Your feedback helps us to see where we could improve, where we are crushing it, and everything in between. We had a survey completion rate of  23% and, according to the Internet, the average survey completion rate is 10-30%.

If you didn’t fill it out, please don’t hesitate to reach out with feedback and suggestions. You can even drop an anonymous comment in the black drop box in the lobby…any time!

This was our best survey result yet!

Now onto the results:

Overall experience was 4.97 out of 5. This makes us super happy and no one scored us below “good.”

Quality of coaching was a 9.7 out of 10 and we did not receive anything under an 8!

The top three things you value most in a fitness facility are:

  • Knowledge of coaching staff
  • Class schedule
  • Fun/enjoyment

And the top three words you use to describe Vero Strength are:

  • Knowledgeable
  • Enjoyable
  • Integrity

In the survey world, this key question is typically considered the most important - “would you recommend Vero Strength to a friend?” In this, we scored 4.98 out of 5. We had one “most likely” and all the rest were “absolutely!”

Now, onto the suggestions…

A couple of people commented on the music. “Better music” and “Don’t play music that pisses me off” were the exact phrases. EASY PEASY! Just suggest, to the coaches working, an artist or style of music and we are happy to oblige. Be specific, as everyone’s tastes are different and we don’t know what you consider good music.

A few people suggested yoga or other services. While we hear you, those services are not what we specialize in. We’ve tried yoga and mobility classes in the past and attendance fizzles out by a few weeks. We are more than happy to refer to massage, yoga studios, etc. so just ask.

We had one comment regarding the need to upgrade/maintain the cardio machines and…it’s happening! The open-air situation we have going on beats the machines up quite a bit, so it’s an ongoing battle. Plus, they get a lot of use! We’ve spent thousands of dollars over the past few years on monitors alone (sometimes because they get sprayed with cleaner and other times, they get old or fail). The fact that we allow people to come in and do their own thing if they are on an unlimited membership also adds to the wear and tear. We have a crew come in monthly to maintain the cardio equipment, scoot floor mats together, get dust that settles up high (PS: what you see on the ceiling is insulation), etc. This is in addition to the three times per week that a cleaning crew does a general cleaning of the gym and floors. That said, we hear you and will keep a closer eye on things. But, if you feel that a rower chain isn’t functioning well, a bike pedal is loose, etc. please tell us on the spot.

In the spirit of full transparency, we did have a few comments about wanting the coaches to pay a bit more attention in classes. We’ve asked follow-up questions to those individuals and are addressing this with our coaching staff. We appreciate your honesty!

Lastly, on to some of the top comments we loved!

“Everything you do is intentional, evidence-based, and productive.”

“I don’t feel like there are cliques or judgment”

“I never feel stupid for asking a question.”

“The trainers. Not only are they all knowledgeable and well-prepared, they are all kind! They are a great representation of what Vero Strength stands for!”

“Everyone is always pleasant and willing to help!”

“VS+C makes me a better person from the inside out.  I sleep better, try to eat better, and can do things with better form too which makes me feel better and I'm a better person for it!”

“The workouts are perfectly structured so you're challenged but not overworked, so you can come and give 100% again the next day without too much fatigue; Happy to be a part of the Vero strength fam you guys are a staple in the community & one of the best parts of my day 💪🏾”

“Instruction is top tier as is the programming. Very adaptable to most any kind of athletic/fitness goals. Staff and clientele are amazing and it's always a fun time.”

“The comfort level I feel the minute I walk in the gym. I come to the gym sometimes to escape work kids and the negativity of my day. Everyone is always smiling and positive. It’s so refreshing and I always leave in a good mood with a clear head.”

“I’m happy that I found a Vero Strength. I want to be challenged and avoid getting injured. I like the format and that there are multiple coaches available to ask questions and that they watch and correct/provide guidance.”

“I like that every challenge is modifiable to any level. This allows for everyone to make progress.”

“All of the coaches take the time to answer questions and demonstrate movements. And they are all very kind.”

“My favorite thing about Vero Strength is how encouraging, kind and friendly everyone is, from the coaches to my classmates.”

“VS does everything with excellence— equipment, coaches/coaching experience, programming… no “corners are cut” - all of it is excellent.”

“The inclusiveness of everyone and family type atmosphere. Couldn't see me anywhere else ever!”

Again, THANK YOU for your feedback. And, again, if you EVER have suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me. We want to hear from you!

Big love to you all!


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