Your success in reaching your athletic, fitness, and nutrition goals lies not only in your consistency IN the gym but also in your OUTSIDE environment.
Many people have ultra-supportive families, friends, and co-workers who provide unwavering encouragement; however, there are some people who feel alone in their commitment to health.
Some have that co-worker who keeps bringing them donuts, not respecting their goals and desires. We’ve seen people with partners who feel neglected or even jealous of their gym routine. Or friends who associate their get-togethers with lots of drinking and don’t understand that others have different goals.
It is always our aim to put our clients in a positive, caring, health-altering environment. But, sometimes, his or her time away from the gym is stressful.
If this is you, how can you communicate to the people in your world to be more supportive?
For that pesky co-worker who brings you junk food, it may be as simple as a direct conversation, detailing your goals and asking for them not to sabotage you.
Family can be more tricky. Maybe it’s a matter of stating your case and how important your goals are to you. Then, ask for their support. This goes with friends, too.
Ultimately, make a “deal” with yourself that, with or without the support of others, you are going to stay on track. Make it about YOU.
And lastly, cherish those gym friendships that you have…I know this community has your back!
Psychologist and Vero Strength member, Susie Marikle, add "Relationships are often very complicated and there are often many reasons our choices cause conflict in our relationships. In general, the best we can do is state our requests, boundaries, and expectations as clearly and respectfully as possible. If these are not met with mutual respect and understanding, try to navigate goal work around what you can reasonably accomplish with the support you do have. That might mean making the best of your circumstances or relying on people that do align with you."
We don’t live in a bubble and sometimes you have to navigate tough situations. But, know that you have our support. If you ever want to talk about ways to create a more positive environment outside of the gym, let’s do it!